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WearDetermines the wear and tear of the parts of the car to compete in the GP.

Enter the level of the pieces, the relative wear, Gp to play and press Check. 
The tool below is used to determine the approximate wear that you will have in a given GP starting from the wear and tear that you currently have. Data were collected on 100 GP starts with risk variables. To consider the risks set race may influence on the actual parts for wear. For example, with risks to 80 you will have a much higher wear than the risks set to 20. The values ​​shown are the result of a different color. Green Everything ok, they should not break (except accidental failures), Yellow are in a warning area should stand or at the break in the final. Rossi are those pieces that have a high probability of breaking

Aggiornate Usure con i Dati del Nostro DB ( DB Update )

NOTA: Dati con Rischi Medi 20-30 ( Risk 20-30 )
Usando Rischi inferiori si usura di meno, usandoli più alti l'usura aumenta
La variazione è di circa +/- 1-2% ogni 10 Punti Rischio.
i Livelli che usurano di più sono LVL 1, 2, 8, 9 Evitateli se potete... ;-)

GP (Gara):  
Car part (Pezzo)Level (Livello)% Wear (Usura)Result (Esito)
Chassis (Telaio)0 %
Engine (Motore)0 %
Front wing (Alettone anteriore)0 %
Rear wing (Alettone posteriore)0 %
Underbody (Fondo piatto)0 %
Sidepods (Fiancate)0 %
Cooling (Raffreddamento)0 %
Gearbox (Cambio)0 %
Brakes (Freni)0 %
Suspension (Sospensioni)0 %
Electronics (Elettronica)0 %
Click on CHECK to the calculation of wear.


Want to have a report on your wear and know in advance the actual wear according to your information? Register and get access to the Reserved



Utenti Registrati: 6717
Utenti Validati: 3488
Utenti Connessi Oggi: 23
Dati Inseriti: 23904
Validati questo Mese: 2
Last Validate: 2025-02-12 08:59:21

Update Piloti: 2025-02-12 11:15:07
Update DT: 2025-02-12 11:05:04
Log: 2078
Log New: 23838
Tempo caricamento Dati: 0.045087099075317 s


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